
Archive for April, 2010|Monthly archive page

Hello Food

In Family, Food, In My Kitchen on April 2, 2010 at 8:53 am

snuggle bug socks

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a little food-obsessed. I enjoy the whole food process — farming (or at least visiting farms), shopping, planning, cooking, eating, and reading and writing about all things food. With the last few weeks of pregnancy and first few weeks post-partum though, food has been something of an afterthought. I need it, of course, but haven’t had the energy to plan and prepare a meal on my own. Now that the snuggle bug is three weeks old, the tide (dare I say it?) seems to have shifted a bit. Besides the fact that I am instantly ravenous upon nursing said snuggle bug ten times a day, I actually reached the point of planning a dinner of fajitas last night.

The weather has been lovely in Maryland the last few days. I did the shopping and Richard did the cooking (love that his cooking repertoire is filling out), and we sat on the patio with friends noshing on some of the grill’s first work of the season.

It was a great night, and the iced tea and Belgian chocolate didn’t even keep me or the snuggle bug up all night. And even better, I learned that I can eat fajitas and nurse at the same time. I am a rock star momma.